As residential sectors along the East Coast continue to show signs of significant improvement in sales figures and price levels, current homeowners may be well positioned to make a substantial return by selling their house.
If you’re presently preparing to list your home on the local real estate market in hopes of upgrading your living situation, there are a number of tactics you can use to generate buyer interest and heighten the property’s sale price. One of the best ways to do so is by enhancing the house’s curb appeal, which could result in a sizable purchase offer.
Poli Mortgage Group not only assists clients in finding low rates and securing affordable loans, but our experienced housing professionals also offer helpful residential tips that can help borrowers improve their financial standing. During the last 12 years, our Loan Officers have originated more than 40,000 mortgages and assisted countless customers in successfully navigating the sale process. And, looking toward the future, we will continue to comprehensively service homeowners in obtaining the best deals.
Looking to boost your home’s curb appeal in hopes of listing it for an increased amount? You can benefit by incorporating the following outdoor features:
Concentrate on the siding
There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint to restore something to its original glory, right? Well, break out the power washer and paint bucket, as the appearance of a house’s siding is typically the first thing prospective buyers notice.
After blasting away the dirt and debris that may have accumulated over time, consider introducing a new hue to the home. Changing the color may not only improve the look of the overall property and impress neighbors, but it could also become more appealing, as future owners won’t have to worry about painting for a few years.
Update the front door
As this is likely the primary entrance to your home, you should make sure it accurately reflects the stature of the overall residence. Large, solid materials such as wood, steel and glass can add a considerable amount of security to the house, as well as improve its aesthetic appeal.
Incorporating intricate designs and bright colors into your front door can help catch the eyes of passers-by, and generate interest in your property. Additionally, installing high-end hardware, such as knockers, knobs and other accessories may enhance visitors’ perceptions of the house as they examine the front door.
Add upscale landscape designs
Along with the exterior of the home, you should be thinking about ways to improve the appearance of the attached land. While it helps, regularly mowing the lawn often isn’t enough to impress potential purchasers.
Over the course of a weekend, you (and some good friends) can incorporate attractive landscaping elements into your front and backyards. Or, you could hire a professional company to do so. Removing weeds and planting flower beds can go a long way toward updating the house’s appearance, as well as pruning tree limbs and strategically adding mulch to certain areas.
Install creative lighting schemes
What’s the point of beautifying the exterior of your home if no one can see it half of the time? To give your house an upscale presentation, you may want to add chic lighting fixtures to your porch and along the walkway. These features not only improve the look of your property, but increase its safety, as well.
If you’re interested in learning more tricks for boosting buyer interest in your home, or want to see what kind of interest rates you can secure toward refinancing an existing loan, contact one of our knowledgeable representatives today. We have offices in a number of states along the Eastern Seaboard, and can be reached immediately by calling (866) 353-7654.
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Poli Mortgage Group is a Division of radius financial group inc. Corporate NMLS #1846. radius financial group inc. is an Equal Housing Lender. Poli Mortgage Group is licensed in CT, DC, FL, ME, MD, MA, NH, PA and RI. For more licensing information please visit: or by visiting Some products and services may not be available in all states. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. Programs rates, terms and conditions are subject to change and are subject to borrower qualification. This is not a commitment to lend. The content in this website has not been approved, reviewed, sponsored or endorsed by any department or government agency.
* This radius Pre-Approval/Credit Commitment Promise Contract ("Promise") is made and entered into, as of the date of the last signature below, by and between radius financial group inc. ("radius" or "Lender"), and the below-named Buyer and Seller. In consideration of Seller's reliance on this Promise in entering into a real estate purchase transaction with Buyer, the Parties agree as follows:
PROMISE TO SELLER. In the event that a Seller is induced to accept an offer from, and enter into a purchase and sale agreement with, a radius borrower on account of this Promise in connection either with (a) a radius Pre-Approval or (b) a radius Credit Commitment and the Buyer is unable to close on such Eligible Transaction due to a mistake made by radius (with accurate and up-to-date information) on such Pre-Approval/Credit Commitment (a "Bad Pre-Approval"), then radius shall pay Seller ten thousand dollars ($10,000), subject to the terms and conditions herein as Seller's sole remedy.
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ELIGIBLE TRANSACTION. For purposes of this Promise, an "Eligible Transaction" is a purchase money mortgage transaction for a primary residence (made on or after April 1, 2018) (not made to a radius employee or immediate family member), provided that the loan is a Conventional, USDA, VA, or FHA loan product for either (i) an existing home resale or (ii) a newly constructed home that is to be delivered and closed within ninety (90) days of the P&S.
CONDITIONS. The applicable radius Pre-Approval must not have expired prior to the date of the P&S. Offers/P&Ss cancelled due to home inspection issues or title defects are not covered under this Promise, and this Promise is void if a Bad PreApproval is the result of: (i) a change in Buyer's financial position, (ii) property specific requirements or expenses (e.g. homeowner's association dues/fees, flood insurance, or property taxes), or (iii) loan product availability or underwriting requirements, or third-party actions outside of radius' control.
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